Finding relatives

Many, many thanks to William and Mavis Allen who helped us locate them from records,  and who drove us around this whole day
finding our relatives. We would never have managed it without them and we regarded the day as a complete sucess.

This is an area in Belfast ... and we liked the sign!!


Morning tea in Comber  -- Comber is a little town that we had as a starting point for the Massey origens.  Had found an address here in a census paper from 1907.

This turned out to be the modern version of the address ... but the lady that lived here the last 20 years said she had bought it from a Massey ... and knew where she thought she lived!!

Finally found this lady "Mary Massey".  Here husband had passed away but she gave  us the impression that he was perhaps a cousin or second cousin to dad.  He had worked in a linen mill in the town.


The sign to Carryduff
This part of this building had apparently been the original Lowe home ... likely where grandma Massey had grown up. It was now an office building but was owned by the Lowe family and was on the corner in Carryduff called the "Lowe corner"


This was just accross the street from the Lowe corner ... Was the home of Eva Lowe and her daughter Ann. 
This is Eva Lowe .. formerly married to John.  and her daughter Ann. They live on the "Lowe corner"
Looking for different families ... found a water pump.
Eileen and her son Samuel .. she is 87 but bright and active. Could tell us all about her trips to Canada
Elaines husband was Thomas Lowe
From Elaines pix of her visit to Canada
Samuels dairy business ... Automatic milking .. the cows go in for milking when they feel like it and it is done with robots!
A picture from Samuels wedding this last summer.


The countryside around where grandpa Massey grew up.


Samuel and his brother (with his son) also have a dairy business.
The yard and original house where grandpa Massey would have grown up.  It was given as his address on the census of 1907.


A closer pix of the house from the yard .. of course renovated several times since them but still the original house.
Margaret and William Irvine .. she was a Lowe.


A lovely pix of Margaret telling us about life.
