Nathalies 40th birthday party in Umeå


Nathalie ... It is somewhat over simplified to explain my relationship with you as just 'married to your sister'-- To me it is much, much more, and you are special to me .... I have known you since you were a little girl just 7 years old (33 years ago) .. You have grown up with our children ... you are not so much older than our oldest - Emma.  One of the privelages of parenthood is getting to watch the amazing development as new life and complex personality unfolds before our eyes in our children. It is an amazing process .. and without a doubt a miracle of major proportions  -- beautiful in every way'

Nathalie we feel we have had this wonderful privelage with you as well  -- We have watched as you have transformed from an uncertain little girl ... to the wonderful and strong personality that you have become today .. Along the way we have shared your tears .. felt your pain .. shared your laughter .. dreams .. aspirations .. and happiness. It has been wonderful journey for us as well as for you.  


Now you have become a beautiful woman ... successfull in your career .. a loving mother ... established a wonderful family and beautiful home etc. Wonderful!!!  If I had been your dad, Nathalie, I would have been very very proud!!


But I just want to remind you that this is NOT why we love you ... Beauty .. career sucess --- and evidence of prosperity make their biggest impression on strangers ....  Those that love you notice and value other things ... things far more important in life -- and far less common in our society.  For instance .. personal kindness .. thoughtfulness .. humility .. concern for others -- compassion .. generosity etc etc.


These are  gold nuggets in relationship -- Our love and admiration for you Nathalie, has its roots in these things  -- and in many other beautiful moral principles that we have noticed as we have shared our lives together!!

Sometimes it seems that we need something more than words to express feeling ... I have found a song by an old man (same age as me) in Nashville Tenesee that used music and song to express these things. I have cliped a piece of a song that he sang ... suitable to you. Not many words  -- but with the heartbeat of the music, it seems suitable today.


A clip from 'You've got Gold' by John Prine


(Another reason we love you Nathalie, is all the 'Wheels turning inside of you' that he sings about!!)





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