Nona as you graduate from highschool June 14 2019

A highschool graduation is somewhat of a milemarker in life development for folks in your stage of life Nona--- It is also a milemarker in our experience as your parents, as it is the last of our children that we have the privelage of accompany through this stage of basic life preparation.

Our role in your life is changing … our direct influence is diminishing somewhat as it should .. but Nona for better or for worse, our bond with you as parents who love you will never fade – whatever choices or whatever developments your future may have in store.

I hope you never forget this as you enter an unpredictable future. A challenging future .. often exciting .. sometimes turbulent future that will be more independant from us than these first 19 years have been. Nona we have every confidence in your capacity to wisely and independently direct your life to fill it with all the very best.

Your mother and I are extremely proud of your achievments thus far … and we are happy for your goals for the future as we understand them… However, as we have said to your syblings Nona, in the pressures of life to accomplish and to suceed -- and in the puzzle to accomodate the frustrations of day to day life --- don’t neglect the daily oppurtunities to share your smile, your understanding and your kindness and apreciation with strangers -- with random travelers and with the disadvantaged that will turn up in the course of ordinary days. These random, unplanned encounters can be an an important source of fullfillment and meaning and satisfaction… small moments that can add simple value to the daily grind that life can easily become.

One more thing! --- In dealing with difference, it is honorable to to seek common ground and to sometimes be willing for compromise in the interest of peace --- but Nona, NEVER EVER compromise your inner moral principle and integrity to reach acceptance from the forces and folks around you.

Wishing you well … and again Nona – "We do kove you!"

Your mom and dad


Link to 'Child of Mine' by Carole King


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