The arrival of Edith 2021-09-13

It’s true that it happens all the time to other people and in other places … but that doesn’t diminish the amazing miracle and wonder of what has arrived into our family lives today.

The entrance of a completely new, pure and dynamic being and character into our daily reality and world. Even in her weakness she will doubtlessly enlarge and strengthen our individual capacity for warmth, for helpfulness, our adoration, empathy, for concern etc etc. These are the soft and beautiful qualities in life that will enrich us and give us all a power and a hope for a future in this uncertain world.


Her name is Edith Marie-Anne Nathalie Engström .. born 2021-09-13 to Eleanore Massey (kid#5) and Niklas Engström. She weighed 3066 grams –is 47 cm long. For Mireille and I, she is grandchild #5!!

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