Rebeckas graduation ceremony as 'Midwife'

As she received her master's degree in “Reproductive, perinatal and sexual health” .


We are so proud of our Rebecka (kid#2)

This is somewhat late (10 months) as I promised Becka I would share a little visit we had in connection with her graduation ceremony as a midwife January 2022. Here it is!

The popular idea that just ‘bringing babies into the world' as the purpose of a midwife, is somewhat of an oversimplification of the most important objectives that midwives are taught to work toward in their profession. Many childbirths in the world happen without the service of an accredited midwife … and most of them turn out OK as far as a child being born.

Rebecka shared with me that they have been taught that a major hope for a midwife through a delivery is to give each mother the support and encouragement, self-confidence, motivation and purpose to become the best possible mothers for the wonderful little child they are giving birth to. The 'mother' function is a very important part of a new child coming into the world.

To me, this gift to each mother of a personal belief in their capacity and purpose to be an outstanding capable mother for their child is obviously an honorable ambition and important objective with each delivery that they participate in. Makes me proud of Beckas profession!

This in its turn will make our world a better place for us all.

Maybe this same goal toward the folks we others meet and work with in the course of an ordinary day is a worthy one… To give others the support, encouragement, confidence, motivation and purpose to be outstanding persons in the communities and world we live in !!



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