

Cultivating Ignorance

In the world of today with free access to much of the entire worlds information and  enormous fact collections via the Internet - honest, genuine and natural ignorance has become a scarcity. Instead folks with obstinate fantasies or private or organizational agendas have been forced to turn to 'cultivated ignorance' to motivate their followings.

Where truth is all around us all, and transparency has become more and more important in our moral culture, it has become a rather daunting task to keep the truth from coming out, and spoiling the agendas of all the selfish ideas of today that are clearly built on fantasy.

Religion has become one of the most obvious victims of the diminishment of genuine ignorance. Many of the more radical fantasies of religion have more or less fallen to the stubborn power of reality, evidence and proven truth --- when this is applied to the vast volumes of illogical doctrines and idiotic practices that have existed in the religious teachings of our western cultures.

However, with this thought in mind, the active 'cultivating of ignorance' has become ultra important, and the professional life-line for all those that persist in rejecting reality and truth. Cultivated ignorance has unfortunately filled much of the gap left as genuine ignorance has diminished.

Some of the important principles in 'cultivating ignorance' --

1 – Teach disregard and disrespect for the volumes of information that is freely available to all today. And don't trust the individual capacity for suitable credibility determination.

2 - Claim access to information and facts unavailable to anyone else.

3- Paint unsubstantiated 'trust' as a virtue

4 – Demand loyalty .. regardless of available facts.

5 – Keep as much internal information as possible out of the reach of independent scrutiny.

6 – Regard all criticism as negative dissent – and crush it as powerfully and openly as possible.

7 - Regard dissent as a 'subversive plot'


Anyone recognize??


Edgar Massey

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